In defence of gatekeeping

Today I am making a huge confession

I used to be a gatekeeper
— Lucy Lumen

As someone who consistently puts themselves out there in the photography space I get a lot of very gatekeepy commenters. Sometimes they are coming from a place of genuine passion and wanting to share their knowledge, sometimes they are just being nasty for the sake of it. I can usually tell the difference because, to be honest, I too once was a gatekeeper… of music.

When we feel strongly about something it can make us a bit sensitive and maybe even controlling… Now I’m older and I have experienced what it’s like to be told that I have to enjoy something in a certain way to be taken seriously, I can see how silly my previous behaviour was.

Check out the full podcast episode to hear my story and experiences with gatekeeping on both sides

out now.

A Beginner's Guide To Film Photography - The First 5 Things You Need To Know

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