Wesley Verhoeve

Wesley with his Olympus Pen F

Find Wesley on Substack

I have an absolutely amazing interview episode for you guys to get stuck into. There are so many moments throughout this conversation that made me truly see everything coming into place and making sense as a creative. I feel like it gave me so much clarity and grounded me so I hope it does the same for you. 

So who are we hearing from in this episode? Wesley Verhoeve otherwise known as the Substack king well thats what i call him anyway… Wesley is an industry legend, he is not only a photographer but also a curator and creative director, a mentor and all round creative powerhouse that shares knowledge and stories both on and offline in way that resonates with so many. 

Wesley had a previous career in the music industry and since then he has embarked on many personal projects driven by his curiosity for humans and the stories they have to tell. 

Wesley’s work has been published in the NYT, nat geo, washington post and has an impressive list of clients under his belt from the years he has been working creative. 

You might know him from his popular Substack publication Process which goes out every sunday and keeps many of us engaged in photography with it’s own growing community and readership online and now also in person with photo walk events. 

If that wasn’t enough or one man to be doing Wesley has also recently released a new photo book called NOTICE JOURNAL - which follows along form his very popular first published book NOTICE from 2021. 

We discuss the link between the two and the theme of NOTICE as well as his process workbooks - both linked below for you to check out. 

This conversation felt raw and honest from both sides and within it you will find truths that make your creative journey or shall we say process a lot clearler and more enjobale. 

I always learn so much from anything wesley puts out or says and the more we hear people speaking so transparntly about what it truly takes to be a creative professional in this day and age the better.

Notice Journal by Wesley Verhoeve

In our interview we discuss Wesley’s use of half frame and his process in developing this book.

Wesley shows a printed diptych

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